3rd workshop “Floating Zone Technique”


The 3rd workshop “Floating Zone Technique” took place from 16th to 18th September 2019 at Oxford University, UK. This workshop connected researchers in the field of crystal growth who use the floating zone technique and offered a platform for discussing ongoing activities, current research results and engineering developments.

Many thanks to all participants of this inspiring workshop!

After two events 2013 and 2016 at IFW Dresden the last workshop venue was the Oriel College in the heart of Oxford. The programme included invited and contributing talks providing a picture of the latest developments in the field of floating zone crystal growth and beyond, and plenty of possibilities for individual conversations.

Invited speakers in alphabetical order:

  • Auckett, Josie E.; Durham University, UK
  • Bauer, Andreas; Technische Universität München, DE
  • Ciomaga Hatnean, Monica; University of Warwick, UK
  • Dabkowska, Hanna; McMaster University, CA
  • Dossa, Scott; University of Minnesota, US
  • Erb, Andreas; Walther-Meißner-Institut Garching, DE
  • Gardner, Jason S.; Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, CN
  • Guguschev, Christo; IKZ Berlin, DE
  • Jin, Rongying; Louisiana State University, US
  • Perry, Robin, University College London, UK
  • Phelan, Adam W.; Johns Hopkins University, US
  • Pomjakushina, Ekaterina; Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
  • Puphal, Pascal; Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
  • Sass, Paul; Scientific Instruments Dresden GmbH, DE
  • Sivaperumal, Uthay; Royal Holloway University London, UK
  • Uthayakumar, S.; University of London, UK
  • Wilson, Stephen, University of California Santa Barbara, US

Organizing committee:

  • Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Oxford University
  • Andrew Boothroyd, Oxford University
  • Robert Schöndube, ScIDre GmbH, Dresden
  • Paul Sass, ScIDre GmbH, Dresden

Venue and accommodation

Workshop venue and accommodation was provided by Oriel college in the historic city of Oxford. Oriel College is the fifth oldest of the University of Oxford’s constituent colleges, founded in 1326. The majority of Oriel’s buildings date from the 17th century onwards. Oriel is situated in the heart of Oxford on Oriel Street, just south of Oxford’s High Street.

2nd Workshop Floating Zone Technique

Many thanks to all participants, speakers and poster presenters for the great atmosphere during this fruitful, inspiring workshop!


Workshop participants: Georg Benka, Christian Blum, Bernd Büchner, Gizem Aslan Cansever, Kazimierz Conder, Alma Dorantes, Andreas Erb, Diego G. Franco, Steffen Ganschow, Rongwei Hu, Anna Isaeva, Maik Jurischka, Seunghyun Khim, Pallavi Kushwaha, Frank Lichtenberg, Dirk Lindackers, Wolfgang Löser, Andrey Malyuk, John Mitchell, Ryan Morrow, Ahmad Omar, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Andrey Prokovief, Aswartham Saicharan, Paul Saß, Robert Schöndube, Michael Schulze, Franziska Seifert, Dietmar Siche, Dmitry Souptel, Hannes Stummer, Mihai Sturza, Christian Suttner, Michael Vogl, Katharina Weber, Stephen Wilson, Sebastian Witt, Nora Wolff, Sabine Wurmehl, Binghai Yan.

The 2nd workshop „Floating Zone Technique“ crystal growth took place in Dresden, Germany, on April 4-6 2016, at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden). The meeting was organized by the crystal growth group of the IFW and the Scientific Instruments Dresden GmbH. This workshop provided a unique platform for the presentation and discussion of recent research and development activities in all aspects of the floating zone crystal growth. The programme included invited and contributing talks and posters providing a picture of the latest developments in the field of floating zone crystal growth and beyond, and plenty of possibilities for individual conversations.

The workshop program is available for download.

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Our media partner:

Crystals — Open Access Crystallography Journal



Thanks to everybody for this inspiring meeting!


Mircea-Odin Apostu* Saicharan Aswartham Josie Auckett Andreas Bauer* Robert Beck Christian Blum Bernd Büchner Tusharkanti Dey*
Hiroshi Eisaki Andreas Erb Julia Fischer Markus Gellesch Christian Hess Nazmul Islam* Guido Kreiner* Sven Landgesell Chengtian Lin Dirk Lindackers Wolfgang Löser Andrey Malyuk John F. Mitchell Ashwin Mohan Christoph Neef Ahmad Omar Christian Pfleiderer* Alexandre Revcolevschi Steven Rodan Robert Schöndube Michael Schulze Franziska Seifert Surjeet Singh* Amartya Singh* Hannes Stummer Dmitry Suptel Isao Tanaka Sabine Wurmehl Jiaqiang Yan Jianxiu Zhang Frank Zobel

(Names with * = person is not on the photo)

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